Agnieszka Kościańska received her PhD (2007) and habilitation (2015) in ethnology/cultural anthropology from the University of Warsaw, Poland. She is Professor of the Humanities at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw. Her research interests include gender, sexuality, sexual violence, religion, and racism. She is the Principal Investigator in Catholicising Reproduction, Reproducing Catholicism: Activist Practices and Intimate Negotiations in Poland, 1930-Present funded by the National Science Center Poland and the International co-Investigator in Gender Wars: East and South funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council. In 2021 and 2022, she was Leverhulme Visiting Professor at Oxford School of Global and Area Studies. In the past, she was a visiting scholar at Harvard University (2010-2011, Marie Curie fellowship), the New School for Social Research (2006, Kosciuszko Foundation grant), the University of Copenhagen (2005, Danish Governmental scholarship), Edinburgh College of Art (2017, European Visiting Research Fellowship by the Caledonian Research Foundation and the Royal Society of Edinburgh) and a fellow at the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena (2016, 2017-2018).
Prof. Kościańska is the author of Odejdź. Rzecz o polskim rasizmie (Go Away: On Polish Racism; with Michał Petryk, 2022, Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej), Zobaczyć łosia (To See a Moose. The History of Polish Sex Education, Czarne, 2017, English edition Berghahn Books, 2021), Płeć przyjemność i przemoc (Gender, Pleasure and Violence: The Construction of Expert Knowledge of Sexuality in Poland, Warsaw University Press, 2014; English edition Indiana University Press 2021), Potęga ciszy (The Power of silence: Gender and Religious Conversion. The Case of a New Religious Movement, the Brahma Kumaris, Warsaw University Press, 2009) and (co-)editor of several volumes and journal special issues on gender and sexuality – the most recent being in English ‘The science of sex in a space of uncertainty: Naturalizing and modernizing Europe’s East, past and present’ Sexualities, no. 1-2 2016 (with Hadley Renkin); in Polish Różowy język (Pink Tongue), InterAlia. Pismo poświęcone studiom queer/InterAlia: A Journal of Queer Studies, no. 14 (with Karolina Morawska, Jędrzeja Burszta and Tomasz Basiuk).