Conference Poster Submissions & Videos
We received some amazing poster and video submissions for our recent Gender in an Age of Global Care Crisis conference.
You can follow the links here to read the abstracts:
‘Care’ on the monsoon calendar: Understanding ‘care’ as ‘adjustments’ during annual flooding by Ranjita Dilraj (National University of Singapore).
Women’s Invisibilised Childcare Work in India 2019 by Wendy Olsen, Jihye Kim, Sonny McCann (University of Manchester).
Hybrid Work, Hybrid Care, Gender and Worker Norms after COVID By Lily Rodel (University of Oxford).
Labours of love in Trinidad and Tobago: returnee women's care-motivated migration by Shelene Gomes (University of the West Indies).
and see below to view the posters and videos:
Women’s Invisibilised Childcare Work in India 2019 by Wendy Olsen, Jihye Kim, Sonny McCann.
Women’s Invisibilised Childcare Work in India 2019 by Wendy Olsen, Jihye Kim, Sonny McCann.
Hybrid Work, Hybrid Care, Gender and Worker Norms after COVID
Hybrid Work, Hybrid Care, Gender and Worker Norms after COVID
'Labours of love in Trinidad and Tobago: returnee women's care-motivated migration' by Shelene Gomes