There will be a panel entitled “Using care to rewrite the son-centred intergenerational contract in urban Asia” (Panel 47) at the Development Studies Association conference, 25–27 June 2025, Hybrid at University of Bath, that may be of interest to Hub members and their networks.
China and India have a long history of patriarchal, patrilocal, and patrilineal customs. Centring women’s care work – as daughters and (grand)mothers – we ask how feminised care practices contribute to rewriting the son-centred intergenerational contract, and at what cost.
The long abstract can be found here.
The Call for Papers for DSA2025 Navigating crisis dangers and opportunities in development at University of Bath is now open until 28 January 2025.
Please read the instructions on how to propose a paper on the Call for Papers page and then proceed to submit your paper. All papers MUST be submitted via the links on the panel pages, and none should be sent by email.
The conference is fully hybrid allowing delegates to attend in-person or remotely. As a hybrid conference, all the sessions will be recorded and later uploaded to the conference website.
The DSA2025 welcomes submissions outside of the conference theme of relevance to the current development theory and practice.