Hub member Dr Rossella Ciccia is organising a roundtable on Creating caring societies: rethinking gender justice and the policies and politics of care at the European conference on Politics and Gender in Ghent, July 8-10.
This roundtable offers a reflection on the possibilities and alternatives for transforming care work. Drawing on empirical and theoretical developments, it will explore pressing questions relating to the politics, policy and the end-goals of a caring society. From a normative perspective, it will present various principles of good care relating to gender and the multiple inequalities in relations of care. From a policy perspective, it will discuss care policies from a non-instrumentalist perspective, which both acknowledges and moves beyond motherhood to recognize care needs as intrinsic to the human condition. From a political perspective, it will examine avenues to increasing the power and influence of diverse organizations of care actors.
More information about this event is available here.